Glover Island

Glover Island

Glover Island

Galloper’s Glover Island Project is located on one of the world’s largest lake islands in western Newfoundland, approximately 24 km southeast of the city of Corner Brook. Notably, Galloper’s 133 sq. km claim package extends northeastward for 36 km, features many known mineral occurrences, completely surrounds an historic gold zone, and is connected to the Newfoundland power grid. Major faults converge at Glover Island which is considered highly prospective for structurally controlled orogenic gold deposits and copper-gold-enriched VMS systems.

Glover Island

The Glover Island property is located on Glover Island, an island in Grand Lake in western Newfoundland. The property is approximately 24 km southeast of the city of Corner Brook. and consists of eight licenses encompassing 532 claims and covering a total surface of 133 km2.

Glover Island: Project Quick Facts

Location: 24 km SE of Corner Brook. 

Size: 133 sq. km – property package extends approximately 36 km along a northeast trend (up to 6 km wide) and completely surrounds provincially-held claims highlighted by historic gold zone. 

Geological Setting: In very favorable terrane along the regional Baie-Verte Brompton Line-Cabot Fault Zone (BCZ), a major boundary between the Humber and Dunnage Zones. 

Targeted Deposit Types: Structurally controlled orogenic gold as well as copper-gold-enriched VMS. 

Scale Potential: Initial Galloper soil sampling, structural setting and multiple historic showings outline a minimum 7.5-km-long trend featuring favorable host rocks extending north from the provincially-held historic gold zone. Broad areas of Galloper’s property also exhibit encouraging VMS alteration which adds to Glover Island’s economic potential. 

Exploration History: No systematic property-wide exploration program has been carried out on Galloper’s claims due in part to extensive overburden, though this “cover” is known to be relatively thin. The last major operator on the island focused mostly on the historic gold zone (claims now held by the government) from 2010 until early 2012 when work stopped at the onset of the gold bear market. Little exploration activity has occurred on Glover Island since then, until Galloper’s arrival in 2022. Historically, Copper values as high as 4.7% have been returned from unexplained massive sulphide boulders in northern part of island.    

“Where There’s Smoke, There’s Fire”: The Keystone and Lucky Smoke Showings on Galloper’s claims, located 6 km northeast of the historic gold zone, gave encouraging values from very limited historic drilling while channel sampling by the Newfoundland Geological Survey in 2021 returned 5.9 g/t Au over 9 meters at Lucky Smoke. From limited exploration, a total of 17 mineral occurrences on Galloper’s claims have been documented by the Newfoundland & Labrador Geological Survey’s Mineral Occurrence Data System (MODS).


A key Galloper strategy to unlock the mineral potential of Glover Island is to expose the rocks hiding underneath an extensive but generally thin cover of vegetation across much of the 133 sq. km claim package. Historical prospectors on the island focused on the abundant outcrop in the “Lunch Pond” area, carrying out about 10,000 m of drilling (work ended in early 2012) and delineating a significant gold zone over a relatively small footprint.

Power Lines

The Newfoundland power grid extends onto Glover Island in the northern part of the property, key infrastructure critical to any future potential resource development. Access to the island is relatively easy, by barge or helicopter.